Wednesday, 12 July 2017

Poster Testers

To plan for my photo shoot for my poster I took some tester photos that include both of the people I will have acting in my trailer. Here are the tester images and some explanation behind them.

The right character is much more laid back we can tell this from there body langue as there hands lazily are tucked into the trousers. The clothes are also a large indication although this might not be the outfit for the actual poster , it will be a similar style. The lose unbuttoned top and lose jeans to show a lack of bother about looking feminine. The Character on the right on the other hand will be wearing a completely different outfit, as this one the colours are to dark. Her body langue is meant to show an attitude while also covering her front with her arm as a symbol of trying to protect her self and close her self off from what's happening within the movie world. The way that there practically shoulder to shoulder is meant to show there connection as best friends and how close they are. There facial expressions haven't fully been decided, however I may have them both smiling similar to the photo or have them having opposite facial expressions to represent the good and the bad of the story and how not everything is one sided. It would be to show the complexity of life and what people of there age go through. The characters both look fairly young which matches the fact the film would be a coming of age drama. I took the photos with a plain background in case I wanted to change it however I have some ideas for backgrounds.

When planning ideas for the poster I thought about this kind of photo but in action it didn't match my expectations. It was difficult to show a connection and make it captivating. I had both the characters looking at each other to show the friendship along with the platonic hand holding however this could imply some romance which isn't the case between the two characters. The fact that the character on the left is the protagonist is shown by the fact they are facing the front and we see the other characters back shows which character is more important. The fact the right character has her back to the camera could suggest she is more secretive or has more to hide where as the main character is more open but also shows that could be why she gets hurt more easily, which could represent the feeling portrayed though out the trailer and movie.
The follow two pictures match as they are meant to be the same kind of photo however there are slight differences. The character on the left is holding an object in the tester it is a jacket as of limited props however in the actual one it may be something like a fluffy pillow , this is meant to be a shield and how she holds things close to her like she wears her heart on her sleeve, where as the rolled up sleeves of the left character are used to show her bareness to the world and how she holds nothing on her sleeves. The second image where the left character has here fists balled is used to show her protective side , her more brash nature and her more Boysish style and life. The way she's laying down is more relaxed and laid back , where as the character on the right is sat up to show her paying attention or to highlight she's trying to keep her head up. The images are the same other than some minor details plus the way they are taken as of the dimensions of a poster the top one would be better. However I took both to represent what the minor changes could make for the image. Both character would be looking at the camera however the protagonist is always on the left with works with the fact that people look left to right.

This idea came to mind during the shoot to highlight the connection and how close they are, it also could represent the fact that the character on the left is trying to ground the character on the right or it could be a secret message that the character on the right is holding up the character on the left. If done correctly it could also match the Triangle layout of posters having there faces and facial expressions at the top.

if I used this one I would have it so the character on the back wouldn't be making eye contact with the camera to show the main character and how they are the most important. It could also be used to show the characters Maturity levels. The character on the bottom is more mature and isn't messing around this could be because they have gone through a lot or its there personality. Mean while the other character is still growing up and may learn through out the film or be an instigator in childish activity.

This one seemed like a good idea however the majority of the main image is boring as it is a plain back which takes up most of the frame , this could work depending on clothes choice such as having a jacket with righting or a hoodie that says class of 17 or something to signify something. The hug resembles a connection and also the friendship and the fact the main character is the face we can see also shows that off , it would be better if the main character was looking at the camera. I like the idea however it would need developing to be an effective poster , with the right costume choices it could work quite well however I will need to think about what I have access to. I may try the hug idea in different ways as it shows a closeness

The last image links to the hug as its a half a hug photo , the pair are clos however both have open body langue and are facing the camera to show there attitdues. In the actual shoot I would have the main character on the left, But I would keep the fact the other character has her arm over her shoulder which is a big indication that she's supporting her friend instead of the other way round . In this photo we can clearly scene clothes choices and what message they would bright across to the audience. I like this idea as one of my favourites however it would need to be pre planned a little more if I was going to use it. However the characters fit the personality of the actual people quite well so the easily bring the image across to the photo shoots.

I haven't fully decided which one I will use for the poster however I have thought about which ones are the best representation there is a choice between three of them in my opinion.

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